Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Success Of Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

â€Å"They say most Entrepreneurs born with these management skill come from a rare breed of people with intelligence, great heart, and creative skills. They are visionary and self confident, good communicators with unlimited energy, and have a string passion for what they do† It is usually things outside of our control that causes a venture not to succeed. Simple fact, everyone is not cut out to be an entrepreneur, but to last and be great takes a lot. Anyone can be an entrepreneur, but to last and be great takes a lot. Are you able to handle the ups and downs, the stress, the dedication, or even the passion to drive your business to the next level? Some will say they are until they’re faced with the challenge. There are ultimately nine key personalities that will dramatically increase your chance of becoming a successful entrepreneur. The list includes being a big dreamer, natural leader and decision maker, having an obsessive passion and drive, being a macro manager, rational optimist, having a healthy fear of failure and little fear of risk, controlling but not freakish, and lastly living a disciplined lifestyle. The first and most important from the list begins with being a big dreamer. They key to success is figuring out a product or service that is done differently, better than anything out there, or something that’s never been done before. Back in the day, technology was so simple. Fast-forward to our generation, technology has taken a leap. Years from now, there willShow MoreRelatedThe Following Seven Key Lessons Are To Help Any Beginner1618 Words   |  7 Pageshelp any beginner entrepreneur strive for success with a little more ease than as if they were to tackle it without any guidance. 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I hope by the end of the paper you have a better understanding of entrepreneurs, and see how they are an interestingRead MoreDeveloping Independent Leader Skills1338 Words   |  5 Pagesto enhance your strength and retaining your social and interpersonal skills are required skills to become successful. After reviewing this essay it will give you a clear understanding how to become an independent leader, when your worse circumstance could strongly empower every individual seeking an empowering voice by enhancing their people sk ills to excel into an extraordinary entrepreneur. The ability to create the â€Å"Voice†; to enhance your people skills when dealing with the outsideRead MoreSucccessful Entrepreneurship: Self-Supporting953 Words   |  4 Pagesas the boss, rather than just being an employee. Many possibilities come from entrepreneurs and their concepts that they contribute to the world. They can assist to the moneys in a number of ways. There are exceptional ways that entrepreneurs add value to America’s capitals is through investments, paid work, providing diverse goods and services, worldwide trade, and much more. The enterprises conceived by entrepreneurs supply levy revenue to local, state, and or the government. Goods and servicesRead MoreAttributes Of Becoming An Entrepreneur Essay1366 Words   |  6 PagesEntrepreneurs are innovative pioneers who venture opportunities and create new market at home and aboard (Frederick, O Connor, Kuratko, 2013). Attributes help becoming an entrepreneur: Becoming an entrepreneur requires more than just a creative idea. All entrepreneurs share commonalities in their attributes, abilities and qualities that empower them to beat the chances and pursue their objectives (Frederick, O Connor, Kuratko, 2013). As I would believe, the three potential factors help becomingRead MoreThe Teachability Dilemma of Entrepreneurship1296 Words   |  6 PagesEntrepreneurs are a very, or perhaps the most, important boost in our economy. They do not only take the risk for the sake of a business, but also they provide our economy with employment opportunities and culture. A society can only be prosperous only when it rewards and encourages entrepreneurial activity because in fact, it is the entrepreneurs and their activities that are the critical factor for success, prosperity, growth and opportunity in any given economy. Entrepreneurship is not easy andRead MoreEntrepreneurial Success737 Words   |  3 PagesEntrepreneurs ONE: What kind of person tends to be successful as an entrepreneur? 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