Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of The Big Red Essay - 2130 Words

General Marshall’s observations revealed that there are two groups of combat soldiers who don’t perform as expected; one being those who intentionally miss, while the other never even fired their weapon. (Marshal 23) As a disclaimer to explain away some of the second group, during an engagement it might not always be a tactical choice to fire one’s weapon. A soldier might accidentally hit his own units, reveal his position, be unable to make a clear enough shot, or be facing suppressive fire from the enemy. (Dark) In the context of the study the second group is looked at over the entire campaign, rather than firefight by firefight. A prime cinematic example of a soldier who can’t fire his weapon comes from the war film The Big Red One where one of the best marksmen in the division during training cannot bring himself to pull the trigger once in combat. This fear of killing sounds absolutely ludicrous for a soldier, but I’ve seen it myself. During c ombat exercises we were loaded out with real weapons that fired simunition, essentially a paintball projected by gunpowder. In the beginning of the training exercise, not too many people were thrilled about getting shot, as it hurt quite a lot. Most people would take cover and refuse to leave, others would wildly fire about, hoping the aggressors would become discouraged. After several tries at this, nearly all of us got used to the idea of being shot at, and shooting back. It simply stopped bothering us so much. Advanced trainingShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Rita Hayworths Shawshanks Redemption 1362 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Æ' TABLE OF CONTENTS PERSONAL RESPONSE: SUPPORTED OPINION PARAGRAPH 2 SOP: WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS BOOK TO A FRIEND? 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