Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Software in Presence of Imperfect Debugging †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Software in Presence of Imperfect Debugging. Answer: Introduction: The new system, which is taken into consideration, is a national medical supply chain. The system would be involving different types of facility from ordering a medicine to buying equipment, which are medical field, oriented. In the process of implementing there are different issue which can be faced, one of the most important issue is the proper working and making the system user friendly so that anybody can access the system and take advantage of it. The stakeholders are the person who are directly or indirectly involved in the sharing of the National Medical Supply System (Eskerod, Huemann and Ringhofer 2015). The various stakeholders involved in the National Medical Supply system include the Chief Pharmacist who would look into the matters of the requirement of new types of supply. The administrators involved with the system are also the stakeholders of the National Medical Supply system as they deal with the system to request changes in the quantity and the type of supply received. Moreover, the patients hold the major portion of the stakeholder group as they are the final recipient of the drugs and equipments. The external stakeholders also include the suppliers of the requirements as well as the financial community. Furthermore, the competitors are also a part of the external stakeholders. The hospitals and the medical clinics are also considered as the major stakeholders. Moreover, people who regularly monitor the informati on regarding the usage of supplies are also included in the stakeholders list. The distribution clerks as their duty is to utilize the system to record the arrival of the supplies. Moreover, the shipment dealers of the drugs and equipments also share the major stakeholder list. The distribution clerks who are responsible for updating the system software upon the arrival of the supplies to the main pharmacy also comprise the stakeholders of the National Medical Supply System in Fiji. The ordering department also comprises the stakeholders list. They are responsible for the proper planning of the order in consideration to the current stock of the supply chain in the main pharmacy. The software team that works for the proper maintenance of the system software also form a part of the stakeholders list. Moreover, the doctors and nurses also comprise the stakeholders list as they prescribe the medicines to the patients. The functional requirement of the system, which can be taken into consideration, is the authentication of the user. The user would be provided with a user name and password, which would be accessible from their end only. This enhances the sector of the security, which can be applied to the system. The system provides a security measure to safeguard the database. The database can be considered as one of the most vital areas, which requires one of the most advanced security measures due to the factor that the overall working of the system is directly dependent upon it. The software, which is being used by the system, should be updated occasionally so that the latest version is available and it would be affecting the security of the system so that any type of illegal activity is not performed within the internal working of the system. In any system the security of the data and the maintenance are the most vital aspects, which plays a dominating role in the overall functionality of the s ystem. The system can be considered to be very much user friendly in a way by which the user can easily get access to the product in a simple and organized manner. In most of the time, people tend to move towards system, which give them an ease of going through the different product and accordingly order the product. The above stated system can be considered to be very much reliable also taking into consideration the online payment option by which the user would be involving different personal details. These type of details can be of importance to the user so it is the responsibility of the system to safe guard the data. Global Requirements This kind of system is of utmost importance not only to the medical practitioners but also to the general pupil as they are the ones who finally utilize the drugs and are operated with the aid of such medical equipments. The software also incorporates the maintenance of dosage information and the information is regarding the side effects of the medicines. The various functional requirement of the system includes the various departments that work in collaboration such as to facilitate the smooth functioning of the National Medical Supply system. The medical system of Fiji requires a new information System such that they would manage the supplies of drugs and medical equipments nationwide. The external requirement includes a hardware system with monitor to view the details stored and an input device such as a keyboard. With the implementation of these hardware resources, the software program runs and facilitates the easy maintenance of the records. The system should be so designed as to facilitate the doctors and nurses to obtain information regarding the status of the drugs and equipments available to them. Furthermore, the software should also posses the capability to interact with the external database of the World Health Organization (WHO). The other system functional requirements include the uninterrupted internet connection such t hat the database is accessible at any time. The system requirements include the software that would store the entire information relating to the name, price, and supplier. Moreover, the software should also be capable of storing the number of the stock available and the number of units that are ordered. Proper software is needed to ensure the updation of the records (Kumar et al., 2018). The software should also have provisions for containing the entire details of the drugs regarding its dosage and side effects. Moreover, an inventory manager is also required to manage the stocks. In the overall system, the security of the data, which is stored, and the data of the user when processing an online payment is very much important. This is due to the factor that if there is any activity like stealing of data or personal information, it would be directly affecting the overall working of the system and in major cases, it can be seen that the system is shut down eventually to mitigate the p roblem. In most cases, the user has to be authenticated so that the integrity sector of the website is not hampered and the websites works according to the requirement. The network, which is attached to the system, should be easily accessible due to being an online trade system. If there were any problem in the network, it would be hampering the overall business. Non-Functional requirements There is a huge need for information system so as to manage the supply of drugs and equipments to all the medical clinics and hospitals. The technique of written records caused immense increase in the human error, which would thereby have severe impact on human lives. The other nonfunctional requirements include the visibility of the database and the usage convenience provided to the users. Furthermore, the design of the system should be easy and convenient to handle and operate the request and increase in demand of the clinics and hospitals. In addition to these, an uninterrupted network facility is also required such that the queries regarding the surplus, lack and extra requirements of drugs and medical equipments should be solved. In every system, the user should have the ease to search through the list and get the desired requirement and the need. The main positive point of the system is that it would be more customer oriented where the service which they receive are not so time consuming. The system software should also be incorporated with location detecting system so as to store information about the location of various medical clinics and hospitals. Moreover, the system should also include the provisions to record the arrival of the supplies to the main pharmacy. Moreover, the system design should have backend calculation procedure so as to provide the usage of the supply at each hospital and medical clinic to the Chief Pharmacist. The software also contains the list for supply of new products. The Chief Pharmacist analyzes the need and approves it, and then new products get incorporated in to the new system. The system should also generate a weekly report of the number of supplies currently available and sends to the ordering team so as to facilitate them to plan their orders effectively. Reference Eskerod, P., Huemann, M. and Ringhofer, C., 2015. Stakeholder inclusiveness: Enriching project management with general stakeholder theory.Project Management Journal,46(6), pp.42-53. Kumar, V., Kapur, P.K., Sahni, R. and Shrivastava, A.K., 2018. Testing Time and Effort-Based Successive Release Modeling of a Software in the Presence of Imperfect Debugging. InQuality, IT and Business Operations(pp. 421-434). Springer, Singapore.

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